About Us
Our Company
Who We Are
Our Story
In 1998, Founder Callan C., new to recovery, began living with roommates he met in treatment and aftercare. With no rules or accountability, many people relapsed, were unable to pay rent, and were not very good roommates. Needless to say, this living situation could not last.
Using this experience, Callan decided to organize a more structured living situation for himself
and his newly sober friends. The basic rules of the house would center on accountability,
sponsorship, meeting schedules, and house rules. If people wanted to follow these rules they
could be his roommates. Callan also thought it better to include only men, having observed that
the co-ed living environment is not always ideal for those in early recovery.
Over the next 3 years, he saw the difference these rules made in his house, and how they helped
the men in early recovery to stay sober. In 2002, Callan opened a second branch of that house
and ran both residences as sober houses. He moved into the new house to guide and support the
new roommates and hired a house manager for the original residence.
Over the next few years, Callan saw his passion for helping others in recovery grow into a
network of 8 sober houses for men and women, where he continues to work and carry the
message of recovery.